Sunday, February 1, 2009


I liked the fact that this movie wasnt portrayed as a fairytale where as other movies with kings, knights, queens ect. are usually protrayed as fairtales. For example Guinevere is struggling with who to love. She loves King Arthur but she also loves Sir Lancelot, which makes the movie more realistic. The christian significance i saw in this movie was that everyone sins no matter who they are and that everyone makes mistakes. This shows through the characters actions in the movie. Since we have not seen the ending of the movie i do not know the outcome but i think that forgiveness will be shown towards the end of the movie. Some universal archetypes in this movie that i saw were the maiden, wise old man and sidekick. Guinevere is the maiden in distress because she does not want to marry King Arthur but then suprisingly runs into him in the forest and falls in love with him. Merlin in the wise old man who gives King Arthur advise. The sidekick would be Sir Lancelot. Sir Lancelot becomes King Arthurs new friend and helps King Arthur set up the round table. I found the movie Camelot very interesting. I am not used to watching musical movies and i probably would not have watched this movie on my own. In a way it reminded me of High School Musical because they would sing about how they felt. But in a way i think that this movie had too much singing and would have been better if they cut down on the singing alittle bit.