Sunday, March 1, 2009


I found the Koran very difficult to follow and understand. Although there are many similarites in the Koran and the Bible the Koran jumped around alot more then the bible does which made it very confusing. Therefore i find the bible a much more reliable source then the Koran. I find the bible much more reliable because Jesus had witnesses unlike the Koran which is bases around Allah who did not have witnesses. Studing this small portion of the Koran helped me understand the Muslim culture alot better. While reading the Koran i learned that Muslims view anyone who is not a beliver of Allah as stupid. Muslims do not like outsiders especially Christians. Also something that caught my eye is that woman are on a much lower level then men. They woman do not have the freedom of speech, their husbands tell them what they can and cannot do. Today in the Christian society although woman are not exactly equal with men, they are pretty close. I learned that instead of judging someones religious beliefs right away because i view it as wrong, i need to understand why they belive what they do. While i was reading the Koran it helped me understand why the Muslims believe what they do and although i do not agree with it i now know the background of their religion and how it differs from ours instead of just saying its wrong. I think this week was very benifical and opened my eyes a ton.