Monday, May 18, 2009


I have learned alot about Taoism as we have been studying it. If you just looked at Taoism not really studying it, it would seem like a lifestyle that would be fun to live. Not having to worry about anything, always being calm and never having to deal with stress, and always finding good in evil. But if you study it like we have over this week you realize that Taoism would eventually be hard to deal with. You can't always be calm. Stress is apart of life and everyone experiences it sometime. Also in Christianity we don't always find good in evil like they do in Taoism. As Christians we do not believe in incarnation. We belive that once you die, if you believe in God, you go to heaven. Unlike Taoism that believes you can come back after death in some way. We believe that we are saved by God unlike Taoism which is not a salvific practice. In Taoism there is nothing that one needs to be saved from, and belief in salvation would lead to belief in damnation in the same manner as belief in good leads to belief in evil. Also as Christians our goal is to strenghthen our relationship with God and share his word with others unlike Taoism where each belivers goal is to harmonize themselves with the Tao. Reading the book about Pooh really opened my eyes to Taoism. We do not live in the hundred acre woods and we have bigger problems then how many jars of honey are in the cupboard or how to make Eeyore's house stay up. Although i think Taoism is very interesting, i find it very unrealistic.

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